Today iam going to teach you Html programming
I made this this site with Html programming too
For start you shoud download Notepad++
(for start you can use windows notepad too)

In this language we use Tags to programming


For start you should write this codes

The first tag is (p) you can write with this tag but you cant add space more than 1
If you want to write something you should do something like this

Then you will get some thing like this
My website name is hpl
But if you write something like this

You will get this
My website name is hpl
Because in tag (p) you can write just 1 space
But if you want to write more than 1 space you can use (pre) tag

Then you will get this
My   website   name   is   hpl

The next tag is (h) we have tag (h) from (h1) to (h6) h1 is the biggest size and h6 is the smallest size

You will get this

Iam h1

Iam h6
The next tag is (br) we use this tag to add enter

Then you will get something like this
My website name is hpl

My website name is hpl

The next tag is (b) its for a bold text

you will get some thing like this
My website name is hpl

The next tag is (mark) we use this tsg to mark text

Then you will get something like this
My website name is hpl
The next tag is (title) you should write your website name in this tag but you should write this in (head)

Then you will get this

The next tag is (center) ita for text in center

Then you will get this
My website name is hpl
(Its in center)

But there is a problem that is you can just see your site in your pc
If you want to show it to people you should buy host and domain
But if you dont want to pay money you can use neocities.org and program in there but you should upload your files in neocities host

If you learn 1 tag a day you will be a Html programmer after 6 months

For more learning click on me


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